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'Transverb is like a delay plugin, but it can play back the delay buffer at different speeds. Think of it like a tape loop with two independently-moving read heads. There are lots of parameters to control and a parameter randomizer for the impatient. Tom's first "released" plugin.' check out their site, (related links on the left-hand column of this page), it is an excellent site with audio examples and everything, plus the downloads of course. Product Manuals or Files no user manualProduct Resources Ask a Question? 1 related links Audio demo?More choices in this product category from other manufacturers:
In this case, however, there are a couple of ways for you to decide whether the program is safe without having to trust me. First, you can read it. Unlike an application that you download and click to run, it's transparent, so anyone with the necessary skill can verify what it does.
2007-10-24 - Log file fixer for all Receptor ownersUnder some rare circumstances the possibility exists that the Receptor System Log couldcompletely fill Receptor's operating system partition, making it so Receptor cannot boot. Ifthis were to happen, the system would get stuck forever, looping in Recovery Mode. The only solutiononce this happens is maintenance at Muse's facility.This "Log Fixer" download restricts the log file from exceeding 32MB and should be applied toall Receptors pro-actively.The download is available from: =1
2007-09-12 - GH-LRSelector: A new FREE VST plugin for Receptor:This plugin was first created to enhance the Receptor by allowing you to use the left and right line inputs as independant mono inputs.GH-LRSelector will also work after other FX plugins, in which case it provides a simple wayto sum a signal to mono, by using use the 'Combined' option in the Source selector.It's also great on the Master channel, in 'Combined' mode, to make the overall Receptoroutput mono, for example if you don't have a stereo PA.Or you can use it to switch between 'Left Input' and 'Right Input' in order to separately monitorthe two sides of a signal.The plugin has MIDI-controllable volume and mute.For more info, see the text file in the [769KB]
Kjaerhus Classic Series: already on the list ;) AriesVerb: quite cool DtBlkFx: have yet to test it Sweetboy: T-SLEDGE is nice! (the other ones are not that great IMHO) DSK Synths: Thanks for hosting them, I tried to download them from their site a while ago, but they had some hosting problems ... will try them out now
Hi ich suche einen kostenlosen pitch shifter.also ich hab mir das so vorgestellt das ich einen melodie schreibe und der pitch shifter die da reinpresst. gibt es sowas irgendwo zu downloaden....benutzerfreundlich... 2ff7e9595c