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Tuesday Night Club Ride: Enjoy the Challenge of the Crazy West Wind

As we were detained at Sitka for a fortnight,making preparations for the expedition, andwaiting for W. to come up on the next boat, Imay as well give some description of one of themost beautiful places I have ever seen. As thetraveller lands on the pier, he has the Indianvillage of about five hundred inhabitants on hisleft, while just in front are the barracks of theUnited States marines, and the old Russiancitadel, from the top of which he will obtain alovely view, somewhat resembling that of the Bayof Naples, but with the additional charm of thesnow mountains and small glaciers at the headof Silver Bay. Numbers of small green islandsstretch across its mouth, while further away to thewest lies Kruzoff Island, humping itself into the[21]dormant volcano of Mount Edgcumbe and thedouble summit of the Camelsback. Due east, andalmost overshadowing the town, rises the sharppeak of Verstovia, so called by the Russians fromits being supposed to be exactly a verst (aboutthree thousand feet) high, but the translation ofthe Indian name is Arrowhead. To the north-eastlies the little pool of Swan Lake, above which theforest-clad hills sweep up again to the height ofabout two thousand feet, while across the bay tothe south rise mountains of very respectable proportions.

It rained nearly all night, and the wind wasmuch stronger. We lay in bed till 8.30, whenShorty made us some corn-meal cakes, as the oatmealwas finished. It went on raining hard, andwe lay in the tent, the wet coming through freelyon to our blankets, till half-past three, when itbegan to clear and the sun came partly out. Itsoon went in again, but the wind had gone round tothe south-west, so we had hope for the morrow.

Tuesday Night Club Ride:  Crazy West Wind Edition


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